K-12 Education

Tech-Enhanced Learning: Lifeline’s Classroom Innovations

Photo of Chris Farber
Account Executive, Lifeline Audio Video Technologies

When I think about technology in the classroom as I was growing up, two things come to mind: the large, clunky overhead projector and hours of handwritten notes, and the television cart signifying 'movie day' in the classroom.

Embracing Modern Classroom Technology

At Lifeline Audio Video Technologies, we recognize times have changed and are helping classrooms move into the future by maximizing student education and teacher efficiency with technology solutions.

Classroom Amplification Systems

One area of Lifeline’s expertise is classroom amplification systems. Developed to help all students in the classroom, teachers wear a microphone, with their voices being amplified through a speaker system, making them more easily heard. Over time, research showed that all students benefit from hearing the teacher better, including improved attention, comprehension, behavior, on-task behavior, and academic outcomes. Another benefit was reduced vocal strain for teachers, who no longer need to raise their voices to speak over additional noises both inside and outside of the classroom.

The teacher microphones are lightweight and comfortable to wear. They feature rechargeable batteries that last all day. Microphones have an easy-to-use mute/unmute feature for moments when a private conversation is necessary. Other classroom technologies can be integrated into the systems, too, like projectors and media sources.

Teacher using Boxlight technology to communicate with her students
Photo courtesy of Boxlight

Interactive Panels for Enhanced Learning

Lifeline Audio Video Technologies also features interactive panels in its assortment of classroom solutions. Overhead projectors require regular maintenance, bulb changes, calibration, and alignment, while interactive panels are lower maintenance and allow students to not only see and hear a lesson but to touch it, too. Some students learn visually, some auditorily, and some are kinesthetic learners. Interactive panels are beneficial for everyone, as they increase student engagement exponentially.

Teachers can easily incorporate multimedia elements, like audio and videos. Worksheets can be shared to the screen, which can be annotated, saved, and shared with the class. Students can cast their devices to the screen, to share their work with everyone. With a web camera, teachers can also record and share lessons with their students, or better yet, can instruct students virtually when they are unable to attend class in person. Say a sickness, inclement weather, or God forbid, a pandemic keeps them home. Interactive panels are changing how classrooms will operate for the next generation of students.

Information Technology staff love interactive panels, too, as they can be monitored and maintained remotely, with scheduled software updates. School-wide messages can be broadcast instantly, which allows schools to enhance their emergency notifications and school safety, something everyone with a student in their family wants.


Expanding Beyond Classrooms

Lifeline Audio Video Technologies takes care of technology needs for classrooms, and other common markets, too. Our company has installed hundreds of full sound, video, and streaming systems for churches, banks, restaurants, offices, and more. Lifeline handles needs for gymnasiums, auditoriums, cafeterias, stadiums, conference rooms, concert venues, and courthouses. From bells and paging to digital signage, our expert crew of passionate account executives and skilled technicians are ready to bring your school, business, or church up to date, and beyond.

Simplifying Complex Technology

Our philosophy is simple; we take complex technology and make it easy to use. We work with several manufacturers of audio and video solutions and feature no-cost consultations. Learn more at www.lifelineaudiovideo.com.

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